I have read the article “Disappointment in Washington” : The Conan show was another failure of Democratic imagination written by The Washington Times. This article from the beginning shows a specific opinion on this topic due to its critical title. This article is filled with criticisms on this topic, The Washington Times starts this article by saying “The best laid schemes of rats and politicians gang aft agley, as the poet Bobby Burns might put it, and this is a lesson that events have been trying to teach Democrats embittered by losing the 2016 election since shortly after all the votes were counted.” This article mentions Robert Mueller had yet to put Donald Trump on the perp walk. That is apparently something the democratics have been dreaming of. This article talks about former lawyer to the president, Michael Conan and how he has revealed some things about President Trump being a con man, a cheat and a racist on many occasions. But for some reason, Michael Conan reveals that now he’s finally telling the truth. Obviously the tone and attitude of this article written by The Washington Times is indirectly stating that they do not support Trump or any of his decisions and his lawyer has a lot of bad things to say about him but wont. This opinion on these events that followed show that the author of this article does not agree with our decision in 2016 that made Trump President. The authors intended audience would most likely be people who do not support Trump as well and would support him on his strong worded opinions. His credibility is solid because most of his sources came from what Michael Cohen, himself said. All in all this article is not supportive of Trump and is trying to reveal his flaws by having the source that was close to the president expose him.
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